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Cherry's complaint:
July 18, 2012

Insurance Company: Standard Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • General - I feel abused by this company

After a horrible Hail storm, almost every house in our addition has a totalled roof. The houses surrounding our home, front side and back are totalled. We had a roofer come and estimate that ours was also totalled... along with other damages as well. The 1st adjuster came and stated in front of the roofer that the roof was totalled. When we received our check, it showed nothing for the roof and barely enough to cover some of the other damage, we asked for another adjustor, they arrived and said that Standard insurance required alot more hits on the roof and the hail must hit in the exact middle of the shingle and break a membrane in order to get a roof. Now, after paying for our policy for years, with no claims .... we are unable to sell our home, because it will not pass inspection, we are unable to go without a new roof, because we will end up with leaks and sheetrock damage, we are not able to do anything but report them to the Texas Board of Insurance. Just a fair warning to all who consider Standard Insurance... it's not worth the paper the policy is written on.

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