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Ricky's complaint:
February 18, 2013

Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • General - I feel abused by this company

My wife hit a pole in parking lot no officer was called or wasn't another vehicle involved ,just her vehicle ,the insurance company was called by aggent I carried too one of their repair shops ,bill was over $3000.00 I paid my $500.00 ,it was her first accident in over 40 years never had a ticket,but my insurance has over double. I knew it would go up some cause I got a ne truck.First new bill with new truck was $774.00 then I got another bill stating it would be $1279.00 over $500.00 every 6 months ,this for three years ,I'd been better off too have just fixed it myself if I got too pay for it anyway.This makes me wonder why we even have collison insure,person still has too pay it,insurance companies are just getting over on everyone ,their not loosing any money ,I guess their the ones getting rich ,cause their not loosing at all.

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