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Jeff's complaint:
February 09, 2015

Insurance Company: MetLife
Coverage Type: Life Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

My step-mom changed my Father's beneficiary when he was in a home for Alzheimer's. The person who reviewed the claim never should have okay'd payment to her the follow mistakes were made: signature doesn't match, first name doesn't match, she listed herself as the employee, etc. MetLife confirms this! Early in the process, they said they couldn't make a decision as a box wasn't checked by the evaluating doctor (this report was done the day he entered the home.) The report did say that he couldn't handle his cash resources, he was incontinent, needed total assistance etc. Around a year later, I was finally able to get the Dr. to check the box that they said was so important to the case. Yet, they claim that they couldn't fully substantiate that fraud was done? Oh the California Department is of no use either. My case is so easy to figure out, i can only guess how people are treated who have more complicated cases. Insurance companies are supposed to fairly evaluate claims, but sadly, dishonest companies like MetLife push the disputes into court knowing that only 2-4% of people will take it that far.

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